사이트 내 전체검색

Operation Kino

The Golden Age Again

South Korea│2024│Documentary│16’22”│DCP│Color│World Premiere

I have dedicated more than half my life to work. Now that retirement is approaching, I find myself at a loss, lacking confidence. Yet, I still carry dreams overshadowed by my career. Through a young man in his 20s who reminds me of the person I was 30 years ago, I try to realize that my dreams are still within reach. After all this time, I wonder if I can pursue those dreams once again. Why not? Age doesn't matter.


KIM Ahyeon


Producer│KIM Ahyeon
Script│CHOI Subeen
Cinematographer│KIM Hyeonjin, JEONG Dain
Editor│KIM Ahyeon, KIM Dayoung, KIM Jeonghye
Sound│JEONG Dain
Cast│KIM Myeongbeom, KIM Donghyeon

Contact KIM Ahyeon


2024-04-27 BNK BUSAN BANK Art cinema corner Theater 14:00 Operation Kino
2024-04-29 Cinematheque 20:30 Operation Kino
